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List org domains

Returns all domains whitelisted for an organization (both pending and verified if no filters are provided for the state). The verified domains allow users email with the org's whitelisted domain to join the organization without invitation.

Path Parameters
    org_id string required

    unique id of the organization for which whitelisted domains are to be listed

Query Parameters
    state string

    filter to list domains by their state (pending/verified). If not provided, all domains for an org will be listed


A successful response.

    domains object[]
  • Array [
  • id string

    The domain id

    name string

    The domain name

    org_id string

    The organization id

    token string

    The dns TXT record token to verify the domain

    state string

    The domain state either pending or verified

    created_at date-time

    The time the domain whitelist request was created

    updated_at date-time

    The time the org domain was updated

  • ]